A beginner over view of JavaScript

Fahim Ahmed
4 min readNov 2, 2020

I am e a beginner in web development .after learning about 1 years i can introduce my self to a junior developer .JavaScript is the heart of web development .now i will share some JavaScript method that will helping a beginner .

let’s start

1:JavaScript Essential>

JavaScript is optimal in client-side activities due to the speed of UI loading times due to its asynchronous nature it can running with the server without interrupting any client-facing interactions.for this reason JavaScript is the most essential things in web development.

2:Variable with declaration>

3 keywords in JavaScript to declare a variable .before releasing ES6 1 keyword to declare a variable that is var and after releasing ES6 2 keywords added in this list let & const

var is a global variable ,yo can access anywhere in code.

but let and const in not global ,they are local and let value can be updated but const value never will be update.

3:Arithmetic Operators>

in programming language operators like a driver .always car follow instruction of the driver .similar a code running according to the logic and logic create by the operators .





.modulus or division reminder(%)


.decrement( — )

4:Comparison Operators>

.equal to(==)

.equal value with data type(===)

.greater than(>)

.less than(<)

.grater than or equal(≥)

.less than or equal(≤)

.ternary operator(?)

.not equal(!=)

5:JavaScript String>

java script string declare with single quotes and double quotes both are true

you can see the length of a sting by using build in method length

string to object by new String() function

6:JavaScript Number>

java Script has only one type number double not like c or other language integer ,float.

JavaScript number written with decimal number or without decimal

some number method

toString()method number to string

toFixed() floating number to fixed a integer

7:JavaScript Loop>

loops offer quick and easy way to do something repeatedly

three types are loop in JavaScript

.For( for loop repeats until specified condition evaluate to false)

.While(while statement executes its statement as long as specified condition evaluate to true )

.do While(do while statement repeats until a specified conditions evaluate to false)

8.JavaScript Object>

JavaScript object like PHP associative array

a man like a object, a man has a name ,profession, house, location etc.with all property similar JavaScript has property with values .

9.JavaScript Array>

javasript array is a one kind of object

object has property and array don’t have it

but array has index .we can play with array index

10.JavaScript function>

in programming a named section of a program that performs a specific task .in this scene ,a function is a type of routine .

function is executed when something called it .

most of function return a value or a task when something called it

